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USGBC LEED Gold Standards Provided by JSE to Georgia Tech Student Housing

HomeLatest NewsUSGBC LEED Gold Standards Provided by JSE to Georgia Tech Student Housing

Jordan & Skala Engineers is proud to provide MEP design services that comply with the USGBC LEED Gold Standards to Georgia Tech Student Housing. In the Fall of 2012, Georgia Tech opened the newly renovated Fitten, Montag and Freeman Residence Halls to incoming freshmen.  The traditional nine-foot-ceiling, two-person room dorms are just a few of the twenty mid-to late 20th Century steel framed brick and block dormitory buildings on campus that needed updating.

Jordan & Skala provided mechanical and electrical systems design for the renovations and worked closely with the University to minimize the visibility and surface mounting of system components in the low-ceiling buildings.  The renovations, which were designed to USGBC LEED Gold standards, feature increased occupant system controls, LED lighting and energy recovery as a sustainable system components.

The renovations were the beginning of a campus-wide effort to gradually update traditional dorm facilities. During renovation it became clear that Georgia Tech’s building guidelines, affectionately referred to as the “Yellow Book” would benefit from the addition of well-defined student housing standard.  Due to the success of Jordan & Skala’s design work in the Fitten, Montag and Freeman residence halls, the firm was engaged to document the design criteria of the completed dorms and to create campus-wide guidelines for student housing.

The guidelines will be issued as an appendix to the Yellow Book and will be available just in-time for the renovation of the next residence hall which he University will complete this Spring.

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