JSE Recognizes the Significant Achievements of Regina Young

HomeEmployees in the NewsJSE Recognizes the Significant Achievements of Regina Young

Jordan & Skala Engineers celebrates Regina Young’s remarkable achievement of being elected to the Gwinnett Board of Construction Adjustments & Appeals and the Georgia Professional Engineer & Land Surveyor Board.

Regina Young has been an influential member of the JSE team since 2001. Throughout her tenure, she has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and an expert understanding of the MEP industry through her team’s successful projects and lasting client relationships. Due to her substantial expertise and leadership capabilities, she has been elected to serve on two boards dedicated to ensuring the protection of life, health, property, and public welfare in Georgia.

The Gwinnett Board of Construction Adjustments & Appeals is an eight-member board consisting of Gwinnett County residents responsible for reviewing specific appeals concerning the Gwinnett County Construction Code, Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance, and the Unified Development Ordinance. Regina was elected to serve on the board as the Registered Mechanical Engineer Representative, and she will work alongside her peers to ensure Gwinnett County construction codes are upheld for the safety of their community.

Regina’s second board position is on the Georgia Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Board. Created by the Georgia General Assembly in 1967, the Governor appoints this nine-member board to serve a five-year term. The board consists of six professional engineers, two surveyors, and one member of the public. While serving on this board, Regina and her peers will regulate the professional practice of engineering statewide, specifically focused on maintaining and creating ethical engineering methods.

Regina’s election to these boards is a testament to her expertise, integrity, leadership, and unwavering passion for engineering design. We are immensely proud to have her as part of our team and eagerly anticipate the positive influence she will have on the engineering landscape in Georgia.



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