Photo of Jordan & Skala Engineers' Principal, Ross Bush, holding a plaque stating that JSE is a 2018 MEP Giant

2018 MEP Giant: Jordan & Skala Makes the List

HomeLatest News2018 MEP Giant: Jordan & Skala Makes the List

Photo of Jordan & Skala Engineers' Principal, Ross Bush, holding a plaque stating that JSE is a 2018 MEP Giant

Consulting Specifying Engineer has announced the MEP Giants for 2018 and once again Jordan & Skala Engineers makes the list! The MEP Giants report recognizes the country’s top 100 mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineering design firms. The report is conducted by using an in-depth analysis of each firm and ranks based on the results. This year, our firm moved up two places in the ranking from last year reaching the 41st spot as a 2018 MEP Giant.

Jordan & Skala’s Atlanta Principal, Ross Bush, represented the firm and accepted the award on our behalf at the 2018 Consulting-Specifying Engineer MEP Giant Awards Dinner in Chicago. It’s a prestigious honor to make the list and this year makes it the 16th year in a row that our firm has been selected. We believe that our ranking is a reflection of our firm’s commitment to always put our client’s best interest first and our willingness to adapt to the ever-changing environment year after year.

If you would like to discuss how we can help with your next project, contact one of our Jordan & Skala offices to learn more.

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