About the Panel Discussion:
Research continues to show tenant satisfaction and demand as an ever-increasing driver for healthy buildings, and stakeholders in the A/E/C industry are tapping into this interest. We, at Jordan & Skala Engineers, understand the plethora of information and options regarding green building programs. Therefore, we’re excited to have hosted a live panel discussion — “FitWel, BREEAM, NGBS & 45L: Optimal Pathways and Potential Synergies” — at the 2022 BUILT National ESG/Sustainability & Multi-Housing Summit, hosted in Denver, Colorado, to provide an overview of these popular pathways towards more sustainable buildings.
This session discusses some of the premier green building programs, noting their mission in the built environment, defining their overlap and differentiators, and steps to offset first cost when voluntarily going above code in sustainable initiatives.
Jordan & Skala’s Principal, Regina Young, moderated, while the panel consisted of key leaders in the green program space, including our very own Sr. Manager of Sustainability, James Brauer, Fitwel’s Business Development Manager, Carter Ahlbrandt, BRE’s (BREEAM) Director of Operations – US, Breana Wheeler, and Home Innovation Research Labs’ (NGBS) Vice President, Sustainability, Michelle Foster.
Thank you to all of those who joined the live discussion. For those who would like to view the video recording, please fill out the form below, and the panel recording will open in a separate tab.
Topics Covered
Drivers for Green Programs
Explaining the mission some of the most popular green building programs have for the built environment
Program Synergies & Differentiators
Discussing what makes each program unique, while identifying overlap and similarities
Financial Incentives
Discussing popular financial incentives for healthy buildings, such as 45L
Meet the Panelists