Committed to Being a Responsible Neighbor
Serving humanitarian causes in local communities nationwide that help provide access to a variety of resources.
Jordan & Skala Engineers believes in giving back to the communities in which we work. Be it through donated professional services, charitable donations, or volunteering, we aim to be a beacon of humanitarianism, public-spiritedness, and social conscience.
Each of our offices are empowered to engage in their communities on a local level. We feel that social responsibility is integral to everything we do and that starts in our own neighborhoods. We have focused our efforts in three key areas: Education and Empowerment, Food and Basic Needs, and Health and Wellness.

Brookwood in Georgetown (BiG) Community Center Building
In the Summer of 2011, Erin Klitz began a pilot program where students became artisans and began making and selling handcrafting pottery, and later horticulture and baking. By the end of the summer program, participants had planted over 1,700 sunflowers, handmade beautiful pottery, and tested dozens of recipes for granola, a future baking enterprise. These amazingly gifted individuals found that they could be successful farmers, potters, and bakers, capable of growing and making wonderful products to sell to the public…
Jordan & Skala Joins the North Carolina USGBC E-Pros for Creek Clean-Up
Sure, “rolling up one’s sleeves” is part of life in the building industry, but getting muddy? A good cause was motivation enough for a dozen future business leaders to don waders and get dirty on the banks of Little Sugar Creek in North Carolina. On June 19, 2013, the Charlotte, NC chapter of the USGBC organized their Emerging Professionals to participate in the bi-annual clean-up of Little Sugar Creek, an urban waterway that is the centerpiece of Charlotte’s newest greenway..
CANstruction Build-Out
In 2012, Jordan & Skala and Wakefield Beasley & Associates worked together to ‘canstruct’ a giant toilet to “flush out hunger.” In only three hours, 2,306 cans of Vienna Sausages were carefully stacked together to create the giant toilet. In total, 3,238 cans were collected, which were all distributed to food banks throughout Atlanta. CAnstruction is an annual event that takes place across the US and we were happy to take part in our local event.
Junior Achievement
As part of Corenet’s Junior Achievement Day, Jordan & Skala’s Tim Milam shared a day in the classroom with Ronald McNair Learning Academy students, leading an instruction session on economics and business-building.